
Notts STP teams up with Capita to set up accountable care system

A sustainability and transformation partnership in the East Midlands has recruited Capita to help with the creation of its accountable care system.

The Nottinghamshire and Nottingham STP has awarded a contract, worth £2.7m, to the firm to help support the development of an ACS in Greater Nottingham.

Commissioners want to implement the ACS by early 2018-19. As part of the contract, which is for 2017-18, Capita has commissioned Centene UK, a provider of data analysis and IT software, to deliver support to the STP.

Centene will give leaders advice on the development of new service models, information management and technology. In a statement to HSJ, the STP said the work is being funded through money provided by NHS England.

Centene has previously worked with Spanish healthcare provider Ribera Salud on the Alzira ACS in Valencia.

Full story in the HSJ, 23 August 2017

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