About us


We are an independent research, journalism and campaign group – that works to protect and enhance the idea that we should all have access to healthcare, through a publicly driven and comprehensive NHS.

We are a voluntary organisation and not allied to any political party.

Our funding comes from supporters who work as health professionals and the general public, from grant making trusts and the trade unions. We have been campaigning in support of the NHS since 1989.


What we believe:

Everyone in our society should have access to high quality healthcare, regardless of their financial means.

The NHS should always offer a broad range of care and should reach patients throughout the country. We believe this is possible despite modern pressures and expectations.

The public shares the cost of the NHS through the tax system, this is the fairest and most efficient way. We all have a stake in the NHS and should therefore have a say in how it works.

As a society we should recognise the strengths and principles of the NHS and preserve them. For this reason the NHS must remain a publicly driven service and those providing NHS care must put patient care ahead of financial gain.


What do we do?

We collect evidence about what is happening to the NHS, through research and by talking to the public and NHS staff.

We communicate the evidence through the media, local networks and by creating websites

We create campaigns to improve the support for the NHS, or change the way that it is organised and crucially, to protect its founding principles, whoever is in government.

It also very important for us to work with local communities. Often this is where services can be protected or improved, through local intervention. We help local people build community campaigns to influence the future of their NHS.

Through these activities we aim to ensure that the NHS is there to care for us and the generations to come.

Ways you can help



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