Lowdown readers may remember that the SE London Integrated Care System (‘Our Healthier South East London’ – OHSEL) has been overseeing the drawing up of a huge pathology network contract for South East London. The estimated value is a staggering £2.25 billion over 15 years (with a 5-year extension option). SE London Clinical Commissioning Group (SELCCG) has now given the green light to the private company SYNLAB.
Lewisham & Greenwich NHS Trust (LGT) chose to opt out of the contracting process, deterred by the size of the contract and the fact that local NHS partners appeared to favour a partnership with the private sector.
LGT is now working with Barts and the Homerton NHS trusts to provide a wholly NHS pathology network, aiming to maintain the link between the pathology service and their respective communities in north east and south east London, and NHS England/Improvement is not obstructing this path.
Full story in The Lowdown, 26 October 2020